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Yuta Takahashi

Curriculum Vita

Last Updated: 2025/1/13


Address and Contact Information

#201, Naka, 2-1, Kunitachi, Tokyo, Japan
(+81) 42-580-8371

Academic Appointment
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University — Assistant Professor 
From April 2020
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University — Adjunct Research Associate (Post-Doc)
September 201
8  - March 2020


Ph.D. Economics, Northwestern University, 2018
M.A. Economics, Kyoto University, 2011 
B.A. Economics, Kyoto University, 2009


Published Paper:
"Universal Gravity" Journal of Political Economy, 128.2 (2020): 393-433 with Treb Allen and Costas Arkolakis

Working Papers:

"Does Unconventional Fiscal Policy Work at the Zero Bound?  Evidence from Japanese Value-Added Tax Hikes"

with Naoki Takayama

“Global Technology Stagnation” (2024) with Naoki Takayama

“Hidden Stagflation” (2024) with Naoki Takayama

“Anchoring Inflation Expectation” (2020) with Lawrence Christiano


Papers under Revision:

“An Experiment on a Multi-Period Beauty Contest Game” (2024) with Nobuyuki Hanaki

Revise and Resubmit at the Experimental Economics

“Robustly Optimal Voting Rule” (2024) with Noriaki Kiguchi and Shunpei Noguchi

Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Economic Theory

Other Publication:

"A Parsimonious Model for Zero Inflation at the Zero Lower Bound." Economic Letters (2025) Volume 247 with Naoki Takayama


Works in Progress:
“Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity:  Theory and Evidence from Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry During WW1” with Munechika Katayama, Tetsuji Okazaki, and Ryo Okui
“The Corporate Saving Glut in Japan” with Naoaki Takayama
“The Rise in Flexible & Low Skill Jobs” with Naoaki Takayama and Kazu Teramoto
“The Real Macroeconomics of Japanese Stagnation” with Naoki Takayama

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